Wednesday, January 15, 2014


"There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." Nelson Mandela
When I made the choice to reinvent what my career looked like I knew that where I chose to work would be key to my success. I met several times with a boothrent salon owner and was encouraged by the salons connection to the community and the other renters attitude towards their salon. I committed to, what was at the time, 350 Hairspa hoping this was my good fit.
The stress of letting go of my "life" at the school and preparing the staff for my exit took a toll on my health. I got horribly sick with the flu. I have never been that sick. I was so dizzy I couldn't drive to the doctors office. Needless to say the last month of my time at the school got interrupted by my illness and my replacement had to begin the process of taking over without me being able to be there. I recovered and when I returned I knew that the staff and students were in good hands. That was a tremendous weight lifted.  I felt I could move forward without the guilt of leaving them behind.
I began at the Hairspa with a very small clientle. As an educator I wouldn't typically have suggested that boothrent was a good option for someone like me (little client following). However, I was confident that with my extensive additional business training I could push my business to the next level quickly. I was lucky to have a salon that had walk in client base and I could begin to grow my client list.
I knew that as the walk ins entered and I was able to perform their services I had to set myself apart and give them a reason to choose me as their stylist. I wanted my clients to have an experience that continued to bring them back. Good customer service, talent and persistence helped me to retain many of these clients that to this day are some of my most loyal. 
Don't get me wrong I still am growing my client base and will continue to do so through the length of my career it doesn't happen overnight. But, I had the knowledge to draw from to do it.  I dropped business cards everywhere I went. I started a Facebook page dedicated to my work. I gave samples with business cards to the dentists office and my children's school. Every chance I got to share my skills in the beauty industry I jumped on it.
I also attended a few networking meetings with the salon owner and subbed as a representative of the salon when she couldn't make it.  That really opened my eyes to the business world. I began to see the importance of knowing who I wanted my clients to be and what I needed to do to get them in my chair. I knew once I got them in my chair I could solve their challenges and that would bring them back.
In my time at the Hairspa the salon was awarded the opportunity to be the Spread the Love salon in Indiana opening several doors for the small 11 station Salon.  In this time we hosted a customer appreciation day thanking our clients for voting for us. We worked on ways our staff would give back to spread the love.
The Wig closet was an incredible idea that was presented that I immediately jumped on. I began to work with the Cancer Society to create a safe environment for cancer patients to be fitted for wigs. It was rewarding and heart wrenching.  We provided this service free of charge and in doing this we were able to lift the spirits of cancer patients and give them some love. The cancer society supplied wigs for us and we were able to reach so many beautiful women in the process.
The Pink Party, the Emma Paige Foundation, a car show and cutathon to benefit the Children's Tumor foundation are just a few of the amazing organizations we did events with in my time at the Hairspa. Giving back was and continues to be important to me. The staff commitment and salon owner support made these opportunities possible.
Working with these charitable organization was amazing, but I never forgot my passion.  My heart was in helping others grow.  I continued to visit the school and was encouraged by my former coworkers.  I continue to be contacted by former students to advise them on different topics and I love that they value and respect  my opinion. After a visit in August to the school I ran into the owner. I had a discussion with her regarding a business opportunity that changed the way I looked at everything.  In this part of my journey is where I found the dream I didn't even know was in my heart!